Tuesday, November 16, 2010

your time

I just returned from an Engineering Conference for Elementary Students.  It was excellent, but I found myself wondering, where is the time now for me to turn around and implement all of this new and exciting material?  I started thinking about this idea and began wondering about how do I take time to implement all of the things I learn in life.  We live these fast paced competitive lives, where enjoying coffee with a friend for 3 hours is not considered using your time wisely or watching a classic cartoon with 1st graders and laughing along is not teaching.  Being efficient, quick, and cutting out the bull**** are desirable qualities and they make you "better" then the others who are lazy or relaxed. 

I feel that I can never enjoy the TIME I have because I am trying to find the TIME to get all of the things in that I need to get in during that hour, lesson, or visit.  It makes for a stressful and anxious ridden lifestyle.  Why do I have to cut short the long walks with my dad to ensure I read the entire article for my continuing education class?  Or if I do the walk, then I am extremely tired and not as punctual the next day because I stayed up reading all night.  How do I exercise each week, get groceries, make a healthy dinner, spend time with family, friends, myself, and try to plan lessons for 25 squirrel-y first and second graders each day? What will I do if when I decide to have kids?

I am sure that if someone had the answers they would be screaming it, but my little lesson for today is to take the FREAKING TIME to hug your colleague after a tough day, sit on the phone in your jammies for an hour on Saturday morning talking to your friend in another state, truly hear the children laughing, and window shop all afternoon, because you love the area.  Do what makes you happy and the time will be there.  Just do it and don't think about it too much, because then the time is gone.  Don't miss the important things, because there is no time.

“I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.”
~ Oprah Winfrey

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