Sunday, October 31, 2010


This morning I went for a short walk in Linden Hills, one of my favorite places to be.  I took in the beautiful sights and sounds of Fall.  I love to just take time for me to think, breathe, and reflect. This world is full of distractions that fog our minds from really knowing what is important.  When I take the time to stop and re-evaluate what is important and real it is crazy to me how life is so messed up.  Everyday I talk with people who never really get it, and then there are those who have lived these lives of forgivness, empathy, and love.  It isn't that I judge those who "don't get it" I just want them to experience the wonderful feeling you get, when you live life the other way.  Evern since I started thinking about my actions, thoughts, and words my life has been different.  I think of others more then myself in a helpful way, I take care of myself, and I live for family and friends.  I believe that life is not about money, pocessions, or success.  It is about serving others and remembering why are you are here.  I feel that it is so easy to get soooooo caught up in an image and beging successful (generally financially).  There is no way those things will make you happy in the end unless you spend time with your family and friends and be real and true to yourself.  If I have learned anything in my short 22 years, I would say that taking care of yourself is the first thing you need to do for you to help others.  Live life as an example, not because you are better than others and they should strive to be like you, but to help others. 

I want to thank all the people who have helped me to be at this point in my life!

It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.  ~Agnes Repplier

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