Monday, March 7, 2011

Checking into Reality

All weekend I wanted more and more stuff.  By Sunday night, I was almost in a bad mood, because I couldn't figure out how I was going to get everything I wanted.  Then my mom sent me an email telling me to check a family friend's caring bridge site.  I pulled up the site and was immediately brought to tears.  This friend could be living his last few days and I was worried about not getting the bathmat I wanted.  WOW.  Reality Check for me.  As I continued to read his wife's blog, more tears began to flow.  It made me think about what a waste of time it had been worrying about all the stuff I wanted.  I needed that was becoming to much about consumption of tangible, meaningless things that week.  Totally against what I believe to be what give us meaning and purpose.  It is funny how we can be "checked in" with reality and then a few days later we just check out.  We need reminders daily to help us stay on track.  I sure did.  My life isn't about the stuff I have, but about how I live my life utilizing my strengths and weaknesses to fulfill my purpose.  I need to listen to myself a little bit more, i guess.  Life is a lot more than dessert plates and bathmats.