Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why is it so hard to be different?

Thinking about the title for this post I wanted to call it "why is it so hard to be Jesus like"...but I knew that answer...then I thought what about "why is it so hard to do the right thing"...but who is to say what is right in every situation.  So I came up with why is it so hard to be different and what I mean is why is it so hard to go against the norm.  Like of course, we think of big things like if someone is being bullied or beaten we would call for help, but that doesn't happen everyday where I live.  What about the small things?  What I am saying is, not knocking people for their choice in clothes, weight, significant other, or even their beliefs.  How about not worrying about how you look in public and just being you.  I mean, why do you HAVE to put on makeup, shower, and make sure you look your best EVERY time you leave the house.  I understand it is a comfort issue, but if you do it because you are worried about what others (speculation) would think DON'T!! 

What brought me to this whole topic has been my journey of self discovery like I have talked about before.  I have been reading many books, reflecting, and truly listening to others around me, taking time to really think about what all of this means for my life and my purpose.  I feel that it is so easy to just slip into being "Normal" because it is so easy to do!!  I mean here is an example.  Through the last 5 years I have come to be a more empathic person, but it is so easy to block out and make fun of others. (I am not talking about venting...I am talking about a continual practice.) Why?  Well I know it is probably to make me feel better, but does that make it ok?  HELL NO!  so why do I do it?  Because it is is easy! It doesn't hurt anyone at that moment...but it makes us sick inside.  We keep feeding the beast and making it OK!  That is not something that Jesus would do and for those of you who are Christians, you believe that we are only here because of him.  We are not here to do whatever we want, to make our life easy and to make ourselves feel satisfied...there is a purpose for our being here.

When I think of my own life, it would be so easy for me to do what every normal 22 year old is supposed to do according to our crazy world.  Finish college, save money, then get married, buy a home, have kids, work-work-work, buy a bigger house, get nicer cars, maybe a dog or two.  Then send your prized possessions off to college and they start the whole process again.  And guess what...this will probably be my life, but it won't happen without a fight!  I want to fight for not being normal and I don't mean that I like classical music and westerns, I mean I do what is not normal in my treatment of others, my daily routine, my thought process, my actions.  Of course we are all different in what we like and do, but what about what REALLY makes a DIFFERENCE!  That is what is so hard; making a difference.  Jesus didn't take the easy route and live the NORMAL life, he did the opposite, endured pain and suffering, but he made an AMAZING difference.

My hope is that more people can go against the grain and stop being normal.  It is hard and in the little ways that I have tried so far in my life I have been yelled at, had eye rolls, and been made fun of, but I know that is how it will be.  I believe life is not about getting by with roses and sugar plums.  It makes you sad and sucks a lot!  but the moments of pure joy and happiness make up for all of that and the difference you can make with the knowledge and drive you have is worth it. Be different.