Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Music is such an amazing way to express yourself, but I feel that it is so much more.  I always think to myself, "I wish that life had it's own soundtrack."  When you hear the perfect song for the exact mood that you are feeling it just lights your soul.  Whether you laugh, get a soothing feeling, get excited for something, cry, or dance, music makes you feel.  Here are some of my life songs at the moment.  Sometimes it is the words and sometimes it is the beat.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NJqUN9TClM  If I die young
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZYky79tFas  Voices
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q97c5szTgIA  We are who we are
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2-vMdNk7fw New York City Christmas

They are quite the variety but they are me.
Enjoy if it touches you too or find your own!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Serving Others

Serving others is a usual thread that runs through my posts.  I feel that it is the one thing that we can do in this world that truly makes a difference.  Yes you can better yourself, but bettering the life of others is what we are here on Earth to do.  I think about this Holiday Season and how much of what we do is about the parties, gifts, and food.  Now don't get me wrong here, I love all of these things, especially the food, but when we engage in all of this hoop-la do we think about service to others?  We could go the extreme route of Christmas Eve helping at a soup kitchen or donating greatly to a charity.  But what about the day to day things in our lives.  Anyone can go to a soup kitchen and help once and feel good about themselves.  You can sign the check to the charity and send it in the mail pretty easily with out even thinking about it.  These things are not what I believe to be serving others.  I feel that they are more of a selfish way of making yourself feel better, because you helped once or gave money once.  Did you really serve anyone?  Yes, of course you probably paid for the next vile of testing agent for cancer research or made someones night be giving them a warm meal, but we can go home after that and check off the list of good deeds, pat ourselves on the back, and go back to watching Desperate Housewives and Cake Boss.  It is a whole mindset that we must have when we give/serve others.

Serving others is a daily task.  Giving of your time, possessions, and knowledge.  I am not so good at all of these things,  It is hard!!  We are so geared to be self-centered and I am the first to admit that!  But I try to push through that and give.  Not to receive but to help.  It doesn't always make me feel good to do things for others, and I believe that is normal.  What is good is that you do it.  Some can give their empathy, some can give their possessions, some their wealth, but whatever you give don't do it for you.  Take the time to think about the service that you are doing. 

For Christmas this year, I decided to donate half of the money that I would usually spend on gifts to the charity of the recipient's choice.  As I continued to think about this, I started to think about this idea of serving others.  At the beginning, I felt proud and satisfied that I had thought of this idea, but as I continued to think about it, I began to feel guilty for thinking that way.  It wasn't to satisfy me it was to help/serve those who need it.  And then I started to think about how wealthy people, no one thinks that we need to serve them in the way of giving, but I feel differently.  They need the love, support, and knowledge.  They may not need the money, possessions, or food, but serving others does not mean giving just monetarily.

Here is an example: I am an extremely fortunate person.  I have an amazing family that loves me and keeps me grounded, a full-time job, and I live extremely comfortable money wise.  Does this mean that I don't need service to others?  It maybe sounds like I should be only serving.  Well this is not the case.  I have been living rent free in homes of family and friends.  My fiance tells me that I should have gotten my own place and paid rent like everyone else and he is probably right.  But these families have freely given this opportunity to me.  Why would you want someone in your house or get away spot, I mean come on especially a spoiled young girl?  She doesn't deserve that!  I don't know why they said yes, but it sure wasn't a convenience to them.  I still get goosebumps thinking about how giving they are to do that for me...who because of where I come from is not someone who needs it.

We all have something to give and we are all here to do just that.  We all need the service of others.  As much as we think we should be independent, we aren't.  We need others be it for money/love/ guidance/ or strength.  Please remember to just give so that others are able to live a more comfortable life; that is why we are here.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.  ~Raymond Hull

It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.  ~e.e. cummings

How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.  ~Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?  ~Fanny Brice

In this world it is hard to be who you really are.  The world we live in makes us change and think we need to be a certain way. All we need to be is who we truly are inside.  We may annoy others, we may inspire others, or we may just be that average Joe.  Whoever you are,  be you.